Access Biju Patnaik University Study Notes for the Exams Preparations

Lecture notes
5 min readDec 26, 2022

One thing is certain, whether or not this is your initial time taking a university course from start to finish. BPUT notes online available at lecturenotes engages you with the course materials, especially taking thoughtful notes, matters. It necessitates effort and time to take effective notes. It will be challenging to decide what to jot down in the classroom since a lot is taught. Taking effective notes is easier to learn than you would imagine.

Biju Patnaik University Study Notes

Tips for taking notes while studying

1. Review the readings from the lecture

The secret to taking appropriate notes is to ensure you understand the content as quickly as possible so that, following repeated exposure, it will become more deeply embedded in your memory. So, get a head start on the content by looking at a few new concepts and terms if your lecturer provides pre-lecture presentations for the upcoming semester.

2. Decide on a note-taking method and stick with it

BPUT handwritten notes are well understood and easily accessible online at lecturenotes. You can view your online notes from anywhere. This study found no discernible differences between students who choose to type their notes instead of writing them down and those who choose to write them down. However, those who write by hand have greater conceptual memory and perform better when asked conceptual questions.

3. Make your notes look better on paper

Involve reading your notes as a rewarding and entertaining experience! Make your notes interesting, whether they are written or online. Using tactics like highlighting, drawings, and bullet points, you may make your notes look more aesthetically appealing. You don’t have to go crazy or put in much time to do this. BPUT notes in pdf are available at Lecturenotes.

4. Make notes that you can understand and write them down

With a laptop in hand, it’s easy to stay focused. Additionally, you can utilize a note-taking tool like LectureNotes. Make sense-based notes as you take in and summarise your teacher’s remarks. You can only memorize a certain number of words and sentences. Understanding the ideas can help you remember the information more easily.

5. The following day, go over and revise your notes

Don’t wait till the day of the exam to realize you don’t understand anything completely. Examine the class notes you took later that day. The data will always be up to date. When you require clarification, speak with your teacher the next day or as soon as possible. Fastest you can, verify your notes. Ensure that your online research is concise and unambiguous. Download BPUT exam study material from reliable sources.

6. Make any necessary revisions right before the talk

Gather the necessary equipment and make sure your atmosphere is suitable for concentration by Deleting all inactive tabs, getting comfortable, and putting away any device that won’t be used during the talk.

7. Take more than just notes

Put them away, and then don’t think about them again. The best method to make use of the notes is to go back and review them quickly. Then, depending on what or how you intend to employ them, you can rewrite them over, cleaner or in a different format. The information will stay in your memory longer and be easier for you to use.

8. Mnemonics, colors, acronyms, and symbols should all be used in your notes

Combine new concepts with tried-and-true principles. An approach or technique which makes it simpler to understand and remember information is known as a mnemonic device. To help you recall vital information as you’re learning, come up with your word associations or mnemonics. You’ll pick up new information faster if you connect it to an idea you already know.

To deepen your understanding and improve your active listening and reading skills, use different colored inks when taking notes. For example, you can illustrate a variety of topics and procedures by changing the color.

9. Maintain organization

Everyone has experienced it before. The night before a big exam, individuals frantically search their desks or backpacks to find that exact set of notes they need. For students, use organizing tips to ease this unneeded stress. Organize, subject-divide, plus date-sort your class notes. BPUT online notes at lecturenotes are well organized.

10. Pay attention to the highlighted details

Only remove some things at a time. Only some things the instructor says are addressed by the presentations or noted elsewhere in the class rather than copied directly from the slides. Make these details obvious. Look for indications in the repeated data provided by the professor.

11. Mark up your notes

Utilize strategies to remain aware of what is being said:

● Use acronyms and shorthand while taking notes to assist you in keeping up with the professor’s speech pace. Use symbols to save space, paper, and computer storage regardless of the course.

● Pay attention and research after the class to ensure you notice everything the professor is currently covering.

● Keep note of the location of any diagrams in the slide deck when you need more time to eliminate them from the slides. Doing this will close these gaps in the notes and make it simpler to find them in the future.

12. Rewrite your notes and then summaries them

Review any recordings or papers you’ve uploaded to make up for what you lost while you are still aware. To strengthen your understanding, incorporate pertinent terms and concepts from other sources.

Answer any concerns you may have as fast as you can

Ask your professor or a study partner any queries you may have before any test or exams preparation.


Even with the abundance of information available in technology formats, taking notes remains an essential learning strategy. Different note-taking strategies students use have different effects and yield different results. By carefully analyzing your note-taking strategies, you can create a set of notes that will help you retain the most important concepts from lectures and exams and assist you in your exam preparation. Lecturenotes offers BPUT pdf notes at affordable prices.



Lecture notes

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